Hardness of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods

Form State θ/℃ δ or d/mm HBS
Rods  Annealing 20 30~60 286
250 277

Mechanical Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods

Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Sheets
Form State δ or d/mm Sampling direction Room temperature 350℃ 500℃
σb/MPa σP0.2/MPa δ5/% ψ/% α/(°) αku/kJ·m-2 σb σ100 σb σ100
Rods Annealing 8~90 C ≥785 680 10 25 490 440
21~100 ≥785 730 10 25

Tensile properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods
Form δ or d/mm State Sampling direction θ/℃ σb/MPa σp0.2/MPa δ5/% ψ/%
Rod 22 Annealing L -70 950 14.8 42.5
20 827 778 20 42.2
100 715 652 20.8 49.1
200 626 544 22.8 54.9
300 552 436 23.8 53.7
350 520 407 28 54.9
400 496 402 24.8 55.5
500 464 353 23.7 53.1
600 398 294 55.2 62.3
700 252 217 86.2 82.2
Rod Annealing -253 1324~1569 1275~1471 8 16
-196 1177~1324 1157~1236 15 25

Compressive Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods
Form d /mm State Sampling direction θ/℃ σbc/MPa σpc0.2/MPa
Rods 22 Annealing L 20 1389 839

Impact properties of Ti Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods
Form d or δ/mm State Sampling direction θ/℃ αku/kJ·m-2
Rods 30~60 Annealing L 20 668
Rods 250 Annealing T 20 688

Torsional Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods
Form d/mm State Sampling direction θ/℃ τb/MPa τp0.3/MPa τ0.01/MPa Torsion angle/(°)
Rods 22 Annealing L 20 839 537 488 1045

Shear Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods
Form State Sampling direction θ/℃ τ/MPa
Rods Annealing L 20 598

Thermal Stability of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods
Form d/mm State Sampling direction Heat exposure conditions σb/MPa σp0.2/MPa δ5/% ψ/%
θ/℃ t/h MPa %
Rods 22 Annealing L not exposed 827 778 20 42.2
350 100 837 19.2 42
Rods Annealing not exposed 784 12 34
350 3000 784 11.5 33
450 3000 794 12 30

High Temperature Durability of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods
Form δ/mm State θ/℃ σ100 σ500 σ1000 σ2000
Rods ≤100 Annealing 250 588
300 559
350 539
400 461 392 363
450 324 275 225
500 245 196 147
550 147

High Temperature Creep Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods
Form δ or d /mm State θ/℃ σ0.2/100/MPa
Rods ≤100 Annealing 400 373
450 196
500 78

Fatigue Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods
Form d/mm State Sampling direction θ/℃ Kt R N/circle σD/MPa
Rods 22 Annealing L 20 1 -1 107 392
350 1 -1 107 324
350 1.97 -1 107 147

Low cycle fatigue
Form d/mm State Sampling direction θ/℃ Kt R f/Hz K σmax/MPa N/circle
Rods 22 Annealing L 20 2.4 0.1 0.2 0.9 989 598
0.8 879 1057
0.7 734 2846
0.6 659 5683
0.5 549 12843

Elastic properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Rods

Dynamic modulus of elasticity
Form d/mm State θ/℃ ED/GPa
Rods 22 Annealing 20 123
100 121
200 113
300 109
400 100
500 96
600 88
700 82
800 77
900 74

Shear modulus
Form d/mm State θ/℃ G/GPa
Rods ≤100 Annealing 20 44.1
400 38.2
600 34.3
700 32.2
800 29.4