Application of titanium and Its alloys in aerospace

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The specific strength (ratio of strength to weight) of titanium and its alloys is the highest among metal structural materials. Its strength is equivalent to that of steel, but its weight is only 57% of steel. In addition, titanium and its alloys have strong heat resistance, and can still maintain good strength and stability in an atmosphere of 500 ° C, and the short-term working temperature can even be higher. Aluminum loses its original mechanical properties at 150°C and stainless steel at 310°C. When airplanes, missiles, and rockets fly at high speeds, their engines and surface temperatures are quite high, and aluminum alloys are no longer competent. At this time, it is very appropriate to use titanium alloys. It is precisely because titanium and its alloys have comprehensive excellent properties such as high strength, light weight, and strong heat resistance, when they are used to replace other metals in aircraft manufacturing, it can not only prolong the service life of the aircraft, but also reduce its weight, thereby greatly improve its flight performance. Therefore, titanium is one of the most promising structural materials in the aerospace industry and space industry.
Titanium and its alloys are mainly used in the aviation industry to manufacture aircraft engines and fuselages. Generally speaking, for aircraft with a Mach number less than 2, the engine uses a part of titanium and its alloys, and the fuselage is generally made of aluminum alloy. For an aircraft whose Mach number is equal to 2, the amount of titanium used in its engine is increased, and titanium is required in its fuselage. For aircraft with a Mach number greater than 3.5, the engine inlet temperature is already very high, so titanium alloys cannot be used but superalloys are required, but the amount of titanium used in the fuselage is significantly increased.
Titanium and its alloys also have good low-temperature resistance. Even at an ultra-low temperature of -250°C, they still have high impact strength and can withstand high pressure and vibration. Therefore, titanium and its alloys are not only used in the manufacture of engine casings and
Structural components are also used to manufacture high-pressure containers, such as high-pressure gas cylinders, cryogenic liquid fuel tanks, etc.