MonelK-500 heat treatment method

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Aging treatment: 590℃-610, 6-10h, furnace cooling to 480℃ at a cooling rate of 8℃-15℃, air cooling. Another method is to cool the furnace to 535°C, hold it at 535°C for 6 hours, cool the furnace to 480°C, hold it for 8 hours, and air-cool.

MonelK-500 alloy aging treatment process

Aging treatment refers to a heat treatment process in which the alloy workpiece is placed at a higher temperature or room temperature after solid solution treatment, cold plastic deformation or casting or forging, and its properties, shape, and size change with time. The purpose of aging treatment is to eliminate the internal stress of the workpiece, stabilize the structure and size, and improve the mechanical properties.

Aging treatment can be divided into three types, namely artificial aging treatment, natural aging treatment and vibration aging treatment. The process of heating the workpiece to a higher temperature and performing aging treatment in a shorter time is called artificial aging treatment. The aging treatment of Monel K500 alloy is artificial aging treatment. When performing artificial aging treatment, the heating temperature and holding time must be strictly controlled to obtain a more ideal strengthening effect. Sometimes segmented aging is used in production, that is, it is first kept at one temperature for a period of time, and then at a lower temperature for a period of time. This sometimes gives better results. The aging treatment of Monel K500 alloy adopts this segmented aging treatment method.