Additive manufacturing technology for porous implants

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As a traditional processing method, powder metallurgy has the advantages of low cost and simple process in the preparation of porous metals. However, the sintering time is short, and it is difficult to control the solidification speed and the size of pore formation, so it is difficult to prepare uniform pores. The size and porosity of porous structures make it difficult to obtain porous metal parts with complex shapes. In recent years, with the continuous development of additive manufacturing technology, there have been more new attempts at porous medical metal implants. Compared with traditional powder metallurgy processing methods, additive manufacturing is more accurate in manufacturing complex products with porous shapes and hollow structures; it can reduce production costs (moldless manufacturing) and speed up the time to market of high-value components; the additive manufacturing process is extremely It greatly reduces material waste and causes less pollution; it is manufactured with flexibility and has a high degree of personalization. The metals currently used for additive manufacturing of porous implants are mainly titanium alloys, cobalt-chromium alloys, and tantalum metal. Among them, titanium alloy, as a relatively mature material, is mainly used to manufacture acetabular cups, porous stents and other implant products. Tantalum metal can be used to manufacture bionic trabecular porous scaffolds. According to news reports, in 2021, the Department of Orthopedics of Xijing Hospital used tantalum metal 3D printed long-segment artificial vertebrae for the first time in the world to reconstruct defects after en bloc resection of malignant spinal tumors.

Although current research on the use of metal niobium or titanium-niobium alloy for 3D printing of porous implants is relatively rare, with the development of additive manufacturing technology and equipment, in-depth research on the mechanism in the manufacturing process, and the continuous decline in the cost of metal niobium, etc. Factors, the application of additive manufacturing of niobium metal porous implants will gradually develop, and the excellent mechanical properties and cell activity of niobium can be fully utilized.

Niobium is used in many medical subdivisions due to its excellent biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. It is used as a supplement to pure titanium or a substitute for toxic elements in titanium alloys to improve the mechanical and chemical properties of biological materials. Improve biocompatibility. As a new type of porous medical metal implant material, it has strong development potential and application value.