Application of vanadium

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Vanadium-containing steel bars: Vanadium is mainly used as an alloy additive in the iron and steel industry. About 90% of vanadium in my country is used in the iron and steel industry. The microalloying of steel by adding vanadium can not only greatly improve the strength, toughness, high temperature resistance, and corrosion resistance of the product, but also save steel consumption. Compared with ordinary hot-rolled steel bars, vanadium-containing steel bars have unique advantages in continuous casting and processing, with excellent seismic performance, high yield ratio, small fluctuation range of yield strength, high elongation, good bending performance, low aging, properties such as welding. Using (vanadium) microalloying to increase the strength of steel bars from 400 MPa to 500 MPa can theoretically save 15% to 20% of steel bar consumption. According to the average energy consumption and carbon emission data of my country’s iron and steel industry, it can save more than 110 million tons of standard coal consumption and reduce more than 370 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year, which has a positive effect on promoting carbon peaking and carbon reduction in the iron and steel industry.
Vanadium battery: Vanadium battery (all-vanadium redox flow battery) is a device with high-efficiency energy storage and high-efficiency output. The vanadium battery energy storage system is composed of positive and negative electrodes, electrolyte liquid storage tank, ion exchange membrane module and other parts. The current flow is generated by the valence state change of vanadium ions in the electrolyte, and the number of cycles can reach 5,000 to 10,000 times, which is more than 10 times that of lithium batteries. Vanadium batteries have high power, large capacity, high efficiency, long life, fast response, instant charging, high safety, and low cost, and have become the preferred technology for renewable energy storage, power grid peak regulation, and backup power. One, known as a “power bank”.
Medical: Vanadium is very important in human metabolism and tooth development. The early studies on vanadium compounds at home and abroad focused on the hypoglycemic effect. Vanadium can promote the metabolism of sugar and promote the growth of red blood cells. It has a good insulin-like effect, can protect islet cells, and lower blood sugar levels in the body.