C-103 niobium alloy

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Compared with other types of high-temperature alloys, high-temperature niobium alloys have the advantages of low density, high high-temperature (600~1600°C) specific strength, excellent hot and cold formability, and good welding performance. They can process thin-walled and complex-shaped parts. It is used to manufacture thrust chamber body extensions and other components of attitude control/orbit control engines of rocket engines, satellites, spacecrafts and missiles. It is one of the important candidate materials for aerospace structural parts.

In terms of aerospace, my country uses C-103 and Nb521 alloys most. At present, the refractory metal material thrust chamber of orbit control/attitude control engines has formed a “two-generation” series of products. Among them, the “first generation” is niobium-hafnium alloy (ie C-103) and “815” coating system, and the “second generation” is niobium-tungsten alloy (ie Nb521) and “056” coating system.

C-103 (Nb-10Hf-1Ti) alloy is a low-strength niobium alloy with good high-temperature strength, excellent formability and welding performance. It is widely used in rocket thrusters and other fields. It is an extremely widely used alloy. Niobium alloy. my country imitates this alloy for use in bicomponent liquid rocket engines, and uses niobium silicide high-temperature anti-oxidation protective coating, and the operating temperature can reach 1200~1300 ℃.

This alloy achieves solid solution strengthening by adding Hf, Ti and Zr alloy elements, among which Zr has a significant strengthening effect, and Hf and trace amounts of W mainly improve high-temperature properties. Researchers studied the tensile properties and fracture behavior of C-103 alloy in the temperature range between room temperature (RT) and 1200°C. The stress-strain curve of the alloy showed zigzag fluctuations between room temperature and 1200°C, and dynamic changes occurred. Strain aging (DSA) phenomenon. The temperature change also has a great influence on the fracture mechanism of the alloy, that is, from room temperature to 500 ℃, 600 to 900 ℃, and 1000 to 1200 ℃. The fracture mechanisms are ductile fracture, cleavage fracture and intergranular fracture respectively.

Good formability and stable reliability make C-103 niobium alloy excellent cost-effective and further promote its application in the aerospace field.