Characteristics of titanium alloys for construction

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Titanium alloys are widely used in various fields because of their high strength, good corrosion resistance and high heat resistance. Many countries in the world have recognized the importance of titanium alloy materials, have carried out research and development on it, and have been practical applications of titanium alloy manufacturers.

Titanium alloy is also a kind of building material, mainly used in the external wall skin curtain wall decoration of buildings, roof surface decoration and waterproof, etc., but also used in building column decoration, monuments, signs, door plates, railings, pipes, anti-corrosion cover and so on.

Titanium alloy material is an alloy composed of titanium and other elements, which was developed in the 1950s and began to be mainly used in the aviation field, which has high strength, good corrosion resistance and high heat resistance, and can generally be used at 600℃ temperature.

Titanium alloy material has a satisfactory natural luster, shining, surface oxidation can show different colors, has superior corrosion resistance, because of these characteristics, it is later used as a building material in construction. However, the price is more expensive, and one share is used in public buildings with relatively high requirements.