Fabrication method of niobium C103 sheet

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Niobium C-103 is a high-quality niobium alloy material, which has excellent high temperature strength and corrosion resistance, so it has a wide range of applications in aerospace, nuclear industry and chemical industry. Niobium C-103 sheet is a common form of this material, and the production method of niobium C103 plate will be introduced below.

  1. Material preparation
    The main component of Niobium C103 is niobium, which usually contains more than 98% niobium, as well as some other alloying elements. Before making niobium C103 sheet, it is necessary to prepare high purity niobium raw materials and appropriate alloy additives to ensure the performance of the final product.
  2. Material alloying
    First, high purity niobium and alloy additives are mixed evenly according to a certain formula ratio. The selection and proportion of alloy additives have a significant impact on the performance of the final product and can be adjusted according to specific needs.
  3. Smelting and casting
    The mixed niobium alloy is melted in an arc melting furnace or a vacuum melting furnace to ensure the uniformity and purity of the alloy composition. The molten alloy liquid is poured into a pre-designed mold for casting.
  4. Heat treatment
    The niobium C103 plate needs heat treatment after casting to eliminate residual stress and improve the grain structure of the material. The heat treatment process usually involves heating to a certain temperature, holding it for a period of time, and then annealing or quenching by controlling the cooling rate.
  5. Finishing
    The niobium C103 sheet after heat treatment needs to be finished, including surface polishing, dimensional trimming and other processes to meet the requirements of the final product. In the finishing process, attention should be paid to avoid introducing new stresses and damage to ensure the performance and stability of the product.
  6. Quality inspection and testing
    Finally, the production of niobium C103 plate needs to go through strict quality inspection and testing, including chemical composition analysis, metallographic structure observation, mechanical properties testing, etc., to ensure that the product meets the relevant standards and requirements.

As a high quality superalloy material, niobium C103 sheet has important application value in aerospace, nuclear industry and other fields. The production method includes material preparation, alloying, melting and casting, heat treatment, finishing and quality inspection testing, and each step needs to be strictly controlled to ensure the quality and performance of the final product.