Low-magnification structure bright spot analysis of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy rod!

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Titanium alloy has the advantages of low density and high specific strength, and is widely used in the aerospace field. Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy has excellent comprehensive properties and is a widely used two-phase titanium alloy. Titanium alloy product types can be divided into plates, rods and wires, pipes and special-shaped forgings, among which the output of rods accounts for approximately 10% of all types of titanium processing materials. About one fifth.

Titanium Grade 5 rods can be used as key components such as engine casings, missiles, and pressure vessels after subsequent processing. Therefore, there are very strict requirements on the structure and performance of the material. During the production process of titanium alloy rods, low-magnification structural abnormalities such as bright stripes and bright spots occasionally occur. Most of these defects are component segregation defects, which are common in β-type titanium alloys with many types of elements. According to the difference in hardness between the segregation site and the matrix structure, segregation can be divided into hard segregation and soft segregation. Such defects are difficult to detect through flaw detection; however, the existence of this defect may affect the use of the material, and different standards require specific provisions for such defects. different processing methods.

During the long-term production practice, the titanium rod manufacturer discovered that during the inspection of two batches of Ti-6Al-4V rods, abnormalities in the low-magnification structure of the rods appeared, but their morphologies were quite different; they were studied and analyzed. , and proposed corresponding solutions in order to provide for the normal production of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy rods.