Niobium-titanium superconductor (NbTi) is the main low-temperature superconducting material

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Niobium-titanium superconductor (NbTi) is one of the superconducting materials that has been commercialized worldwide. Superconducting materials include two categories: low-temperature superconducting materials and high-temperature superconducting materials. Low-temperature superconducting materials work in the liquid helium temperature zone (4.2K), high-temperature superconducting materials work in the liquid nitrogen temperature zone (77K), and niobium-titanium superconductors belong to Low temperature superconducting materials.

The critical temperature (Tc) of low-temperature superconducting materials is generally lower than 25K, and liquid helium is the main cooling medium. The materials with greater development potential are mainly niobium titanium (NbTi), niobium tritin (Nb3Sn), niobium trialuminum (Nb3Al), etc., among which , niobium-titanium superconductors and niobium-tin superconductors have been commercialized. The critical temperature of niobium-titanium superconductor is 9K. It has the characteristics of good superconducting performance, low critical magnetic field, high strength and good processability.

Niobium-titanium superconductors have high critical current density, yield strength close to steel, relatively low raw material and manufacturing costs, can be heat treated, have good ductility, are easy to twist and wind, and can manufacture ultra-fine wires with diameters in the micron level. Therefore, niobium-titanium superconductors can be used in a relatively wide range of downstream applications, and they are the product type with a relatively large market share among low-temperature superconducting materials at this stage.