Processing method of niobium wire

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Niobium is a rare metal with excellent physical and chemical properties, and its wire is widely used in many high-tech fields. The processing methods of niobium wire mainly include melting, ingot casting, hot processing, cold processing and final molding. The following are the main steps of niobium processing:

Smelting and ingot casting
Smelting of niobium is usually carried out under vacuum or inert gas protection to prevent niobium from reacting with oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in the air. Common methods include electron beam melting and arc melting. After melting, the niobium liquid is poured into a mold to form an ingot.

Hot processing
The ingot undergoes a preliminary hot process, such as forging and rolling, into smaller billets. This process can improve the density and uniformity of niobium and improve its mechanical properties. Forging and rolling are usually carried out at high temperatures to reduce the hardness of the metal and increase its ductility.

    The niobium billet after hot processing needs to be annealed to eliminate the internal stress and restore the plasticity of the material. Annealing is usually carried out in a vacuum or inert atmosphere to prevent niobium oxidation.

    Cold processing
    Cold processing, including wire drawing and cold rolling, is the key step to further process the annealed niobium billet into fine wire. Cold processing needs to be carried out under strictly controlled conditions to ensure the dimensional accuracy and surface quality of niobium wire.

      Wire Drawing
      Wire drawing is the process of gradually stretching the coarse niobium rod into a fine wire through a series of gradually reducing the diameter of the mold. Each drawing is accompanied by the hardening of the material, so multiple anneals are required to maintain the machinability and malleability of niobium.

      Cold Rolling
      In some cases, niobium billets may need to undergo a cold rolling process, which involves passing the metal through a pair of rotating rollers to reduce its thickness and increase its length. Cold rolling is usually alternated with annealing to gradually process the niobium billet into the desired wire shape and size.

      Surface treatment
      In order to ensure the high purity and surface finish of the niobium wire, the finished niobium wire usually requires surface treatment. Common surface treatment methods include electrolytic polishing and chemical polishing. These methods can remove the oxides and impurities on the surface and improve the corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity of niobium wire.

      Testing and packaging
      Finally, niobium wire needs to undergo rigorous testing to ensure that its size, purity and mechanical properties meet the requirements. Qualified niobium wire is packaged according to customer requirements, usually in vacuum sealed or inert gas protective packaging to prevent oxidation during transportation and storage.

        Application field
        Niobium wire is widely used in superconducting materials, aerospace, electronic components, medical equipment and chemical industry. For example, niobium-titanium alloy wire has important applications in the manufacture of superconducting magnets; High purity niobium wire is used as electrode material in electron tube and gas discharge lamp. In addition, niobium wire can also be used as a corrosion resistant material in chemical equipment.

        In summary, niobium wire is processed in a way that involves multiple precise and tightly controlled processes to ensure optimal performance in a variety of high-tech applications.