Research progress on high-temperature niobium alloys for aerospace applications

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High-temperature niobium alloy for aerospace is a metal material with high strength, high temperature resistance and oxidation resistance. It is widely used in rockets, missiles and other vehicles, as well as aerospace engine components. In aerospace engines, niobium alloys are particularly widely used because they have excellent mechanical properties at high temperatures and can meet the needs of high compression ratio engines. This article aims to introduce the research progress of high-temperature niobium alloys for aerospace, including their material composition, preparation methods, characteristics and application status.

Material composition and preparation method of niobium alloy
Niobium is a precious metal element. Its physical and chemical properties are in the middle of the periodic table. It has a high melting point, corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties, excellent high temperature performance and electrical conductivity, so it is widely used. In the fields of aerospace, chemical industry, electronics and nuclear industry.
Niobium alloys usually contain between 80% and 95% of niobium, with other elements such as titanium, molybdenum, zirconium, chromium, iron, etc. accounting for the remaining proportions. Titanium-niobium alloy is an important category of niobium alloys with excellent strength, rigidity and high-temperature properties. There are various methods for preparing high-temperature niobium alloy materials, including remelting-casting, powder sintering, high-temperature vacuum thermal processing, etc. Among them, the powder sintering method is a typical method for preparing high-temperature niobium alloys. This method mixes niobium and other alloying element powders with external carbon powder, and performs thermal processing and compression molding at high temperatures. Finally, vacuum heat treatment is performed to obtain an alloy with excellent high temperature properties. Niobium alloy material with excellent performance.

Characteristics and application status of high-temperature niobium alloys
The most important characteristic of high-temperature niobium alloys for aerospace is its high-temperature performance, especially in high-temperature oxidizing environments. Niobium alloys exhibit excellent high-temperature oxidation stability and corrosion resistance. In high-temperature and high-speed flowing gas flows, niobium alloys are more resistant to wear and oxidation than steel. The fatigue resistance and high-temperature tensile strength of niobium alloys are also better than other materials. With the continuous development of aerospace technology, the demand for high-temperature niobium alloys is also increasing.
At present, the application of high-temperature niobium alloys is mainly concentrated in large vehicles and high-speed moving parts such as aerospace engines, rockets, and missiles. Niobium alloys are used in aerospace engines to manufacture high-temperature components, such as turbine blades, combustion chambers, etc., which can improve the performance and reliability of aircraft. In the aerospace field, high-temperature niobium alloy materials can greatly improve the performance of rockets, missiles and other aircraft, while also extending their service life.

In conclusion
High-temperature niobium alloy for aerospace is an excellent metal material with excellent high-temperature properties and oxidation resistance. There are various preparation methods for niobium alloys, among which powder sintering is one of the typical preparation methods. Niobium alloys have a wide range of applications and are currently mainly used in large vehicles and high-speed moving parts such as aircraft engines, rockets, and missiles. In the future, with the continuous emergence of new aerospace technologies, the application fields of high-temperature niobium alloys will be more widely expanded and used.