The selection of processing conditions of titanium alloy tubes and the development of casting technology

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In order to check whether the materials mixed by Jiajing air separation method are evenly distributed in the boiling layer and whether there is stratification or segregation, the nursing unit after furnace shutdown has been analyzed. At this time, the stacking height of the layer (static layer height) is 550 mm. Among them, sample I was taken at the filling layer under the slag discharge port, and the lower layer of the titanium alloy pipe was normal. Although the distribution of some impurities in the charge is uneven, the distribution of carbon and titanium in the boiling layer is similar. Therefore, the stratification of the two families in the boiling layer is basically absent. At the same time, due to the relatively large European composition, a carbon bath (containing about 50% carbon) is formed in the boiling layer, and even if the local ingredients of some materials are uneven, there is still enough reducing agent to ensure the smooth chlorination reaction. The scheme has a simple process flow and can enable titanium alloy manufacturers to continuously produce Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy with high production efficiency.
⑴ actual carbon ratio. After calculating the theoretical carbon ratio according to the valuable components in the material, the actual carbon ratio is determined according to the specific situation. The theoretical carbon ratio is calculated according to the titanium dioxide star, when the use of high titanium as raw materials, because it contains a certain amount of low-price titanium oxide, so the carbon should be reduced with its content. If the titanium alloy tube or rutile contains high calcium and magnesium salt, it is necessary to increase the carbon ratio appropriately, and the increased carbon amount is used as a diluent. The actual carbon ratio must also take into account the mechanical loss of carbon. In general, the actual carbon ratio is controlled at 25-30%.
(2) Particle size and distribution of the material · If the mixture is mixed by screening method, the particle size and distribution of the plant are controlled by mechanical screening method; The particle size and distribution of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy are controlled by adjusting the air volume if the mixture is mixed by the method of hard mixing and air separation. For example, the air volume of a vertical parallel air separation equipment is 7500m 3/ hour, and the production capacity is 0.6 tons/hour.
At present, the domestic and foreign titanium casting technology has carried out a certain amount of research and development work, has been from the beginning of the simple graphite casting process to a variety of processes coexist step, the process level has also been greatly improved. The casting process of titanium tubes is quite extensive and can be formed by almost all known casting methods. Recently, the more widely used processes in production are machined graphite type, rammed graphite type and investment mold precision ceramic shell casting process.
Due to the simplified chemical activity of titanium tube alloy, the casting process is different from iron base and nickel base gold, and has many unique features, which are mainly manifested in the choice of casting materials. The holding materials used in casting titanium tubes must have high chemical stability, high heat shock resistance, small water absorption capacity and low thermal conductivity, and the casting materials that fully meet these performance requirements are still being explored.