Vanadium battery

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The most direct feature of the vanadium battery (all-vanadium redox flow battery) is its structure: it is composed of two solution tanks (electrolyte using two kinds of vanadium ions with +4 valence and +3 valence) and an exchange membrane composition. When the battery is charging, the +4 valence vanadium ions in the positive can lose electrons and become +5 valence, and the electrons enter the negative pole through the exchange membrane, reducing the +3 valence vanadium ions to +2 valence. When the battery is discharged, what happens is the reverse reaction of the above reaction.
Vanadium battery is an excellent green battery. The charging and discharging mechanism of vanadium batteries is a reversible process, and its lifespan is longer than that of lithium batteries in the market. Therefore, vanadium batteries have the advantages of larger capacity, safer and more environmentally friendly, longer cycle life, and high energy conversion efficiency. Its application fields are very broad, and it can be used as a backup power source for buildings, airports, etc., as a supporting energy storage device for clean power generation systems such as solar energy, and for power grid peak regulation.

The disadvantage of vanadium battery is that its energy density is low, so the equipment volume is generally large; its working environment is limited to a maximum of 45°C, and the electrolyte reaction will exotherm, and it is easy to exceed 45°C, and precipitation will precipitate in the positive electrode solution The flow channel is blocked by the material, which affects the normal work and eventually makes it scrapped; the ion exchange membrane technology is not yet mature, and vanadium batteries often require regular maintenance by professionals, which means that there are various difficulties in the development of vanadium batteries.

In recent years, due to the sharp increase in market demand for lithium batteries, their prices have also risen rapidly. Compared with spending money to find lithium battery raw materials to supply raw materials, China’s own vanadium battery raw materials are in sufficient supply and are easy to use. In addition, vanadium batteries have made breakthroughs in technology in recent years, overcoming many key technical problems such as electrolyte and system integration.

With the hard work of scientists and technicians, vanadium batteries are breaking through one difficulty after another, and large-scale use is just around the corner.