
It is a low-strength and high-plasticity alloy. Compared with other refractory metal alloys, it has higher specific strength (strength/density), excellent plasticity, processing and welding properties. At the same time, it also has a small thermal neutron absorption cross section, resistance to liquid metal corrosion and excellent superconductivity. It is regarded as one of the most promising high-temperature materials.

Mechanical properties of C103(Nb-10Hf-1Ti)(21℃)
Grade Elastic Modulus/MPa Tensile Strength/MPa Yield Strength/MPa  Elongation (Gauge Length 50.8mm)/%
C-103 112490 428.9 295.3 20

Physical properties of C103

Grade Component Density /g.cm-3 Melting
point /℃
Linear expansion
coefficient /10-6K-1
temperature /℃
temperature /℃
Elongation brittle
transition temperature /℃
C103 Nb-10Hf-1Ti-0.7Zr-0.1W-0.1Mo-0.05Ta 8.86 2349 4.5(1203℃) 1038~1316 871 -196

Main chemical composition of C103 (mass fraction)

Grade Chemical Composition / % Chemical
Composition / 10-6
Nb W Mo Ta V Hf Zr Ti C O N
C103 Nb-10Hf-1Ti Balance         9~11 <0.7 0.7~1.3 <100 <300 <300

Linear Expansion and Conductivity C103(Nb-10Hf-1Ti)

Linear Expansion of C103

Linear Expansion of C103

Resistivity of C103

Resistivity of C103
Resistivity of C103(Nb-10Hf-1Ti)
Temperature,℃ 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900
ε 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.29 0.28 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.27

Elastic Modulus and high temperature tensile properties of C103(Nb-10Hf-1Ti)

Elastic modulus of C103

High temperature tensile properties(annealed at 1200℃) of C103

High temperature performance of C103(Nb-10Hf-1Ti)
Grade Component Forms Temperature/℃  Tensile Strength/MPa  Temperature/℃ Breaking Strength/MPa
C-103 10Hf、1Ti、0.7Zr Sheet 1093 189.8

Applications of C103

High temperature and high strength, it is used as structural material of space shuttle engine and rocket nozzle, heat exchange tube of jet aircraft, etc.