Elastic properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Sheets

Tensile modulus of elasticity
Form δ/mm State θ/℃ E/GPa
Sheets ≤3 Annealing 20 112.8
250 93.2
350 83.4
500 71.6

Mechanical properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Sheets

Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Sheets
Form State δ or d/mm Sampling direction Room temperature 350℃ 500℃
σb/MPa σP0.2/MPa δ5/% ψ/% α/(°) αku/kJ·m-2 σb σ100 σb σ100
Sheets Annealing 0.8~1.5 LT 735~930 685 20 50 490 440 440 195
1.6~2.0 15 50
2.1~5.0 12 40
5.1~10.0 12
Sheets Annealing 0.8~1.5 LT ≥765 685 20 50 490 440 440 195
1.6~2.0 15 50
2.1~10.0 12 40
Sheets(Foils) Annealing 0.8~1.5 LT(L) 765~930 685 20 50 490 440 440 195
1.6~2.0 15 50
2.1~5.0 12 40
5.1~10.0 12

Tensile properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Sheets
Form δ or d/mm State Sampling direction θ/℃ σb/MPa σp0.2/MPa δ5/% ψ/%
Sheets ≤3 Annealing LT 20 834 735 13
250 588 510 13
350 539 471 10
400 529 451 10
500 471 392 9

Bearing capacity of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Sheets
Form δ/mm State θ/℃ e/D σbru/MPa σbry/MPa
Sheets 0.4~2.0 Annealing 20 1.5 1150 1235 915 960
2 1725 1850 1310 1365
2.1~4.7 Annealing 20 1.5 1150 1260 915 980
2 1725 1895 1310 1400

High temperature durability of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Sheets
Form δ/mm State θ/℃ σ100 σ500 σ1000 σ2000
Sheets 3 Annealing 250 578
300 549
350 529
400 382
450 255
500 167

High temperature creep properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Sheets</td>
Form δ or d /mm State θ/℃ σ0.2/100/MPa
Sheets  3 Annealing 250 490
300 441
350 373
500 49