Hardness of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Tube/Pipe

Form State θ/℃ δ or d/mm HBS
Rings Annealing 20 535/350 x 112 280

Mechanical Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Tube/Pipe

Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn tube
Form State δ or d/mm Sampling direction Room temperature 350℃ 500℃
σb/MPa σP0.2/MPa δ5/% ψ/% α/(°) αku/kJ·m-2 σb σ100 σb σ100
Ring blank   Annealing δ38~110 C ≥785 730 10 25
δ>110~270 ≥785 8 23
Ring blank  Annealing δ60~270 C ≥785 10 25 295 460 440
m≤80kg ≥785 10 25 295 460 440

Impact properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Tubes
Form δ or d/mm State Sampling direction θ/℃ αku/kJ·m-2
Rings 535/350 x 112  Annealing C 20 682