The advantages of niobium-titanium alloy in dental restoration are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
• Low toxicity: Niobium-titanium alloy has good biocompatibility and does not release harmful ions, which makes it safer for use in the mouth and suitable for patients with metal allergies.
Corrosion resistance
• Excellent corrosion resistance: The corrosion rate of niobium-titanium alloy in the physiological environment is low, which can effectively prevent the corrosion failure of the material and thus extend the service life of the restoration.
Mechanical properties
• High strength and wear resistance: The addition of niobium improves the mechanical strength and microhardness of the alloy, making the niobium-titanium alloy more stable when subjected to chewing forces, and significantly improving its wear resistance, making it suitable for making crowns, Highly loaded restorations such as bridges.
• Elastic modulus close to that of human tissue: The elastic modulus of niobium-titanium alloy is similar to that of human bone, which can reduce the mechanical incompatibility between metal implants and surrounding tissues and improve patient comfort.
Processing performance
• Excellent processing characteristics: Niobium-titanium alloy is easy to process and form, and can produce restorations with precise dimensions and free of bubbles and shrinkage defects, thereby improving the quality and aesthetics of the restorations.
With the above advantages, niobium-titanium alloy is widely used in dental restorations in a variety of restorative materials such as implants, crowns, fixed bridges, porcelain bridges, etc., meeting the high clinical requirements for material performance.