Mechanical properties of Monel400 at room temperature

Alloy Tensile strength Yield Strength Elongation
Rm N/mm2 Rp0.2N/mm2 A5%
Annealed 480 170 35

Chemical composition of Monel400

Alloy % Ni Cu Fe C Mn Si S
Monel400 Min 63 28          
Max   34 2.5 0.3 2 0.5 0.024

Corrosion resistance of Monel400

Monel400 alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in fluorine gas, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid and their derivatives. At the same time, it is more corrosion-resistant than copper-based alloys in seawater.

Acid medium: Monel400 is corrosion-resistant in sulfuric acid with a concentration of less than 85%. Monel400 is one of the few important materials that can withstand hydrofluoric acid.

Water corrosion: In most cases of water corrosion, Monel400 alloy not only has excellent corrosion resistance, but also pitting corrosion and stress corrosion are rarely found, and the corrosion rate is less than 0.025mm/a.

High-temperature corrosion: The maximum temperature of Monel400 in continuous operation in air is generally around 600°C, and in high-temperature steam, the corrosion rate is less than 0.026mm/a.

Ammonia: Due to the high nickel content of Monel400 alloy, it can resist corrosion under anhydrous ammonia and ammoniation conditions below 585°C.

Tantalum 10 Tungsten alloy sheet

Features of Monel400

Monel400 is a corrosion-resistant alloy with the largest amount, the widest application and excellent comprehensive performance. Monel400 has excellent corrosion resistance in hydrofluoric acid and fluorine gas medium, and also has excellent corrosion resistance to hot concentrated lye.

At the same time, it is also resistant to corrosion by neutral solutions, water, sea water, atmosphere, organic compounds, etc. An important feature of this Monel400 is that it generally does not produce stress corrosion cracks and has good cutting performance.

Metallographic structure of Monel400

The structure of Monel400 alloy is a high-strength single-phase solid solution.

Physical properties of Monel400

  Density (g/cm3) Melting point /℃
Monel400 8.83 1300-1390

Application of Monel400

Monel400 alloy is a versatile material that can be applied in many industrial fields:
1. Seamless water pipes and steam pipes in power plants
2. Sea water exchanger and evaporator
3. Sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid environment
4. Crude oil distillation
5. The pump shaft and propeller of the equipment used in sea water
6. The nuclear industry is used to manufacture equipment for uranium refining and isotope separation
7. Manufacture of pumps and valves used in the production of hydrochloric acid equipment